Emergency Preparedness

Your safety is the top priority of the POA staff, but residents and visitors should also know the best precautions and appropriate responses to an emergency in Big Canoe. We’ve compiled a list of official resources to ensure you’re prepared.


As we live in a forest community, we must take extra care to prevent wildfires. The Georgia Forestry Commission – which is dedicated to monitoring and managing fires – listed some recommended precautions below. Likewise, the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMA) provides crucial tips on how to handle an evacuation and to secure yourself and your home.


According to the U.S Fire Administration, every second counts when it comes to responding to a house fire. Fires can move quickly and toxic smoke can easily fill a home. Brush up on your fire safety knowledge by consulting FEMA’s illustrative guide.

Winter Storm

In instances of extreme cold, your home, your car and even your pets are put at risk. Both GEMA and the Center for Disease Control provide information for safeguarding your home against the cold. GEMA offers additional driving tips and a terminology guide while the CDC has multiple infographics for easy reference.

Tornado Preparedness

Even though Big Canoe is in the mountains, it is not unaffected by tornados. Check out FEMA’s website for information on shelter, insurance, notification services and more.

Hurricane Preparedness

As a coastal state, Georgia is at risk of hurricanes. In addition to knowing how to secure your home, a plan for communication and evacuation is key to staying safe. For more information on hurricane preparedness, consult GEMA’s dedicated page.

Thunderstorm Safety

According to GEMA, the most dangerous aspect of a thunderstorm in Georgia are the winds and large hail. Prepare yourself for storm-related risks, including lightning strikes, by reading GEMA’s guide.

Lake Petit Information

In December 2022, Georgia Safe Dams of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources approved the Lake Petit Emergency Action Plan, which is a requirement for operating a Category 1 dam in Georgia.

Big Canoe is a gated, private residential community. Gate access is limited to Property Owners, guests of Property Owners or rental home guests. © 2023. All rights reserved.
Big Canoe® Property Owners Association, Inc.
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