Strategic Objectives

High Level Strategic Objectives

What do we need to do?

The Strategic Planning Committee used a simple process of
“Situation Analysis” and “GAP” analysis, including several tools
described below, to develop “High Level Strategic Objectives”

Situation Analysis is taking inventory of where we are now on our
journey towards our “Vision”. First and most importantly was the
“Voice of the Community”. To get the most thorough, professional,
and unbiased input from the community, the POA Board engaged
the professional services of T4 Associates, a Chicago based
consulting firm specializing in VOC studies.

T4, working with the Strategic Planning Committee, conducted Focus Groups, telephone interviews and a community-wide web-based survey to determine what’s strategically important to property owners. Another tool to use in analyzing the current situation is the SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. A detailed description of this tool is below, and a worksheet for completing a SWOT is attached to this manual.

Once you understand your current situation, Gap Analysis is just identifying those areas where we are falling short on achieving our “Vision”. A detailed description of this tool is below, along with an attached Gap Analysis worksheet. The Gap Analysis was then used to develop High Level Strategic Objectives (HLSO). The HLSO are nothing more than those things that we need to do to achieve the “Vision” of Big Canoe. These objectives are strategic in nature and designed to guide individual asset and amenity managers and both operations and POA

leadership when developing their annual work plans and making major decisions for Big Canoe.

Big Canoe's High Level Strategic Objectives

Five High Level Strategic Objectives have been identified to guide our action plans and decision making. All operational action plans and leadership decision making should align with one or more of these High-Level Strategic Objectives:

  • Our Assets – Continuous improvement of all amenities and infrastructure, and preservation of the natural environment.
  • Our Safety and Security – Enhance the well-being and safety of our property owners, guests, and employees.
  • Our Governance – Make decisions for the governance of Big Canoe in a transparent, ethical, and fiscally responsible manner.
  • Our Employees – Create a culture that attracts and retains engaged and motivated employees.
  • Property Owner Experience – Enhance every aspect of property owner and guest experience at Big Canoe.

Strategic Plan Deployment


Big Canoe is a gated, private residential community. Gate access is limited to Property Owners, guests of Property Owners or rental home guests. © 2023. All rights reserved.
Big Canoe® Property Owners Association, Inc.
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