New neighborhoods have been developed by Big Canoe Company, LLC that have or have had landscape elements, fencing, statuary, ornaments and a general level of features and maintenance not consistent with the community wide standard and which are more expensive to maintain and repair.
The cost to maintain the community wide standard is a common expense that should be shared by all owners in accordance with the assessment provision of the Declaration, while the added cost to maintain unique features and provide higher levels of maintenance in the aforementioned new neighborhoods which exceed the community wide standard is a cost that specifically benefits the owners in those areas and is not a common expense.
The Board of Directors recognizes the owners of lots in Wildcat, Choctaw Village, The Bluffs and other pending developments may desire to maintain the common property at or approaching the level established by Big Canoe Company, LLC at their own expense;
The POA will offer area or neighborhood groups the option of funding increased levels of common property and right-of-way landscape maintenance at their expense subject to the landscape levels being consistent with the character of Big Canoe and within the levels provided as the respective areas were and are being developed. Funding will be through individual property owner contracts with the POA and all work will be arranged and managed by the POA to meet the specifications included in the contracts. The specifications for the respective neighborhoods will be established by the POA with input from the respective owners. No property owner is obligated to participate in providing this supplemental funding and owners may choose to participate at different levels to achieve the total needed to fund the specified work. If funds collectively received from such contracts fall below the amount required for the scope of the specified work, the work will be terminated and unused funds returned to the participating property owners.
General Manager
New neighborhoods are areas developed by Big Canoe Company, LLC since 1998.
The POA owns and maintains many complex facilities. Operational and Capital Budgets will support the routine maintenance and replacement of key components with the following goals:
Ensure the facilities are maintained in a manner that is consistent with Maintaining the Character of Big Canoe, in support of property values and quality of life in Big Canoe.
Ensure facilities are maintained to allow prudent people to navigate them without being impacted by physical hazards.
Ensure facilities are designed and operated to enhance the experiences of Property Owners
and Guests who are utilizing the facilities.
Ensure all buildings and facilities are attractive, welcoming, and furnished to facilitate the programming that is conducted in the facility.
Ensure housekeeping tasks are accomplished on an “as frequently as needed” basis to keep all
spaces presentable and all surfaces attractive and sanitary.
Repair or replace (as required) broken furnishings and fixtures without delay.
Develop and follow preventive maintenance programs to routinely refresh interior and exterior
painting, pressure washing, deep-cleaning, carpet cleaning, etc. to ensure all facilities present
themselves as being ready for a discerning membership.
Develop and follow routines that help control energy consumption and other operational costs,
without compromising member/guest comfort.
General Manager (with budgetary support approved by Board of Directors)
This procedure covers all facilities owned by the Big Canoe POA